Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thus Spake DJ Abs

Groovers of the World,

Welcome to my blog site.

This is my first official post and in it I will set out my blogging agenda for 2009.

I should stress that this is an indicative agenda only and is subject to change due to life getting in the way, the moon being in the seventh house, etc, etc.

Anyway, on with the "journey". In 2009, DJ Abs intends to rant/blog to the world about the following:

  1. I suppose it's mandatory to have a short blog about the Global Financial Meltdown/GFS/Greatest economic and social challenge since the great depression/etc, etc.

    DJ Abs will be ranting about how everyone needs to calm down a bit esp. our politicians, as fear and lack of confidence is the main problem, and it's not as if a whole world economy has suddenly blown up and disappeared into a black hole but yes a few stupid kids and some corrupt managers probably should never have had total control over our pension funds and public companies and also lapse credit standards were a mistake and the DJ Abs will rant a bit about the dangers of overreaction in re-regulating credit markets and introducing protectionism and giving massive hand outs to anyone who asks for it (esp. dodgy American car companies and Australian property developers) and we need to careful not to bankrupt our governments in the process just look at Japan for example (although spending never kick started their recovery) and parallels with the Great Depression are really silly because our economies are a lot wealthier now and anyway why are we so obsessed with growth and the sooner we get over this growth obsession the better but anyway I'd leave it there otherwise I won't have anything more to write about I am starting to think this is a bit of boring topic for a blog anyway as everyone is writing about it and some may be someone even wiser than DJ Abs so may be I'll defer or just say a few wise things about free markets, frederick hayek, adam smith, john maynard keynes, honey smacks, apple sauce and david bowie records (related to an economy I once modelled during my economics degree).

  2. Why does everyone hate lawyers so much? A topic dear to my heart (DJ Abs is a lawyer and suffers from periodic bouts of professional self loathing).

  3. How to Save the World with a New World Constitution (Parts I, II and III). This is the main reason for the site and, as long as enough of you read it, DJ Abs will eventually save the world.

  4. Is there a God? Or is there not a God? And why DJ Abs doesn't like Richard Dawkins.

  5. But if there is God, what has been doing lately esp. in places like Iraq and Zimbabwe and the Congo and the Sudan?

  6. Why you should never met your heroes. The sad tale of DJ Abs and David Bowie*

  7. Being mean about celebrities. OK or not OK? The standard "oh its the price they pay for fame and they love it, feed on it" defence will get a working over from DJ Abs with the conclusion likely to be "Pah".

  8. Why are there so many successful morons in this world esp. in large corporations? To anyone reading from my company - no I am not talking about you or anyone you know ;-)

  9. And related to 8. a DJ Abs guide to the world of work for high school graduates. The guide is written out a strong desire to disabuse these poor kids of the notion that if you are smart and you work hard, you'll do well.

  10. Something about blogging, facebook, life coaches, personal branding and mission statements, journeys, the Internet, Todd Solandz films and the irony of DJ Abs writing a blog site criticising blogging and then may be a little digression on to the circularity of time and how everything both past, present and future has actually already happened and the Greeks looking forward to the past or something like that and then something about Paul Davies and his books and also Keith Ward and God (there he is again) and then perhaps a message to Polarius about how if you can't beat it join it.

So there you have it. That is at least the starting agenda.

Hope you can join me.

I'll try and post a new blog once a fortnight.

And before I go I should add one important final disclaimer. The views of DJ Abs should not necessarily be relied upon as the complete truth on everything and, occasionally, just occasionally, certain facts or figures cited in support of his arguments may not necessarily be fully 100% accurately researched to a statistically valid level. Of course, DJ Abs always tries to tell the truth as he sees it but I mean who has time to really check out whether the US spends 14 times more money on arms than development aid when the true figure might 14.7 or 13.3. The point is it should be the other way and that is more important than the actual figure so please don't let the facts distract you from the core arguments.

OK, OK - you are probably right. I'll try not to use dodgy facts to support my arguments. Or where a fact is dodgy I will draw attention to its dodginess. And now I never actually met DAvid Bowie but the story as a metaphor for hero worship and our society's obsessions with heroes is well worth the read (in my humble opinion).

Bye for now.

Peace and respect.

DJ Abs


  1. All expressions of sympathy for the person who is on the other end of this stuff when he can't get to a keyboard are most welcome.
    Anoni Muss

  2. what about deputy pm in parlaiment today, very funny

  3. Ban law and economics for sensitive souls. The results may be funny but that doesn't make it right.

  4. I agree DJ Abs that we shouldn't be panicking but we do need a realistic and tough response. This showering of cash handouts is the worst thing that can be done as it conditions people into thinking that governments will always prop people up. The GFC just illustrates that Australian workers are paid too much and so can't compete internationally. Most of these people are badly educated anyway - probably less educated than your average Chinese worker - and so why should they be paid any more? We need much tougher industrial policies and a substantial cut in the minimum wage if we are to have any hope of containing unemployment. Too much blame has been placed at the feet of the finance world. Sure those directly involved deserve what they got but the thinking parts of the finance and business sectors have consistently called for labour market deregulation, reductions in tax and welfare, and implored the politicians not to worry too much about global warming. Its hardly their fault if no one is listening. And what is the sub-prime problem in the US? It is nothing more than greedy, stupid, lazy people thinking they can afford things that are beyond them and the market simply doing what it should and giving people what they want. Of course the market will eventually fail, its designed to in these situations, and if people get zapped, so what? Its a great lesson to people but one which is being diluted by government trying to rescue everyone and everything. Do you see the Singapore government cover the backsides of people caught chewing gum to avoid the intended lesson of the cane? The people I feel sorry for are the Chinese workers who want to work and know that work is the only way to maintain dignity and food on the table. The rug has been pulled from under them by the combined stupidity of the world's governments and particularly the protectionism of the developed countries, including Australia, despite our self-congratulatory belief that we are an open economy. Its just hypocrisy.
