Sunday, August 29, 2010

Dj Abs on God - Part 2 (a)


So now for the hard part. 

Is there any actual evidence of God? 

And just to clarify, poor DJ Abs has been inundated with thousands of emails suggesting his previous blog on God was illogical and stupid but WITH THE GREATEST AND UTMOST RESPECT to his many critics I don't think they fully understand the point DJ Abs was making.

Which is this:   if there is a God (note the if ), ie. a supreme being, ie a  creator of this universe, then almost by definition, he or she or it will sit outside this physical world, outside time, outside space, outside matter and so direct experience of this God by us mere mortals is impossible.   Just as science suspects there are 10 dimensions of space but we can only experience 3 of them, it is the same with God.

But the fact that we can't directly experience God does not, of course, mean that we should not seek some evidence of God's existence.  Otherwise the question become absurd and God has no more likelihood of existence than the Easter Bunny, Father Christmas or an Honest Lawyer (to quote an old and hackneyed joke).

So what evidence is there (assuming we have no direct evidence eg. burning bushes, voices from up high, miracles, etc)?

Well I don't know if I can do it justice to this in a short sharp blog  but Groovers think about these things:

  • the remarkably structured and  ordered nature of the universe and the scientific laws that underpin it (which have an elegant, logical and structured mathematical basis)
  • the moral code or conscience that all people seem to have inside them and which appears to exceed reasonable social necessity
  • music and other forms of art that have no rational basis in biology or Darwinism
  • humour
  • love
  • the human brain and the fact we have intellectual capacity well beyond what is needed to survive as a specie
  • the flukiness that life exists at all - indeed that the universe exists at all*
  • the tendency of humanity to gravitate towards greater good throughout history (despite many obvious set backs)
Each of these examples is worth a blog on its own but are examples, Groovers, that you should be thinking about in this Great God Debate.  Put aside for now the God of the Old Testament or the New Testament or the God of any religion.  The simple question is this -  is there a God?  Is there a supreme being and creator of this universe?  In my opinion, the above examples suggest there might be or at least opens the door to such a possibility.

But that is enough for today.

Until next time groovers,


DJ Abs

*For example, the ratio of mass of a neutron to a proton is 1.01378841870.  If this ratio, did not exist there would be no atoms, no chemistry, no life.  There are numerous other examples - the rate of the expansion of the universe after the big bang, the ratio of dark energy and dark matter to normal energy and matter and numerous others.  All of these remarkable coincidences do not, of themselves, necessarily prove a God or a divine intelligence or a creator but they, do I think, make the atheist position quite implausible as well.